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Kurt Perry Joins Diana Degarmo and Andrew Leeds for Quilt: A Musical Celebration


Kurt Perry Joins Diana Degarmo and Andrew Leeds for Quilt: A Musical Celebration

Kurt Perry


Kurt is thrilled to be joining Diana Degarmo and Andrew Leeds in a concert presentation of Quilt, A Musical Celebration, set to take place June 21–23 at Judson Memorial Church.

Based on true stories from friends and loved ones, Quilt celebrates and remembers both those who died from AIDS and those who have survived or been left behind. The work premiered in 1992 in conjunction with the NAMES Project and the Smithsonian Institute as a means to celebrate the lives of people affected by the HIV/AIDS crisis.

Quilt has a book and lyrics by Jim Morgan, book by John Schak, and music by Michael Stockler. Justin Kirkeberg will direct with music direction by Barbara Yahr. Orchestrations are by Brandon Kaplan; vocal direction is by Henco Espag & Mark Perry.

The concerts will benefit the Callen-Lorde Community Health Center and Frontline AIDS. Quilt is presented in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.

For tickets, ranging $35–$65, click here for tickets.