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You Can't Stop the Beat! HAIRSPRAY Dances In the Rain at Jenny Wiley Theatre

Kurt Perry


From BroadwayWorld:

"After their opening night was rained out on Friday, July 20th, the diverse and youthful cast of Hairspray at The Jenny Wiley Theatre, an outdoor amphitheatre in Prestonsburg, Kentucky--population 3,255 -- celebrated their work and art by transforming a local pizzeria into a piano bar and joyfully singing through a concert of the show for an enthusiastic local crowd.

The cast performed the Act 1 finale with umbrellas, until the theatre lost power. That didn't stop the cast from taking Act 2 to a local lodge and performing its songs of togetherness to the local community by candlelight. In the days since, Hairspray, a musical whose central themes include integration, racial/gender equality, and body positivity, has continued to capture the local attention in Floyd County, a region best known for coal mining--and the cast will not let anything or anyone Stop The Beat! 

Jessica Rebecca sings "I Know Where I've Been," Hairspray's eleven o'clock number about overcoming inequality and embracing a future of love, along with Robert Lee Poole III, Breia Kelley, Kynnedi Porter, Jeremiah Bryant, and Toni Lorene Baker.