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Kurt Perry Joins the Cast of Staged Reading Of BY MOONLIGHT: A NEW MUSICAL

Kurt Perry

Kurt Perry, Submissions.jpg

Kurt Perry joins the cast of staged reading of new musical By Moonlight. By Moonlight is a musical adaptation of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream, set in New Orleans, during the summer of 1947.


By Moonlight: A New Musical will receive an open-to-the-public staged reading on May 22, 2018 at Pearl Studios Room 1204 on May 22, 2018. There will be two performances at 12PM and 3:30PM. Tickets are free (reserved seating). For reservations, email

Directed by Jordan Kai Burnett (Romy and Michele's High School Reunion) and featuring musical direction by Steven Cuevas (Kinky Boots), the reading stars Tess Soltau(Wicked, The Addams Family), Danielle Lee Greaves (A Streetcar Named Desire, Rent, Hairspray), Richard E. Waits (I Am Harvey Milk), Joseph Spieldenner (Les Miserables) and Nicolas Dromard (Jersey Boys, Mary Poppins).

With music and lyrics by Garrett Bell (Hipsters Drinking Coffee) and a book by Jonathan W. Colby (Dirt[dirty]), By Moonlight is a musical adaptation of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream. Set in post World War II New Orleans, the classic story is retold exploring new themes of class, race, and war.

Also in the New York cast: Ben Roseberry (The Lion King), Nathaniel P. Claridad (Here Lies Love), Haley Bond, Iris Garrison-Driscoll, Phillip Johnson-RichardsonKennedy Kanagawa, Hannah Lynne-Miller, and Kurt Perry.