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The reviews for "Rapunzel in the Wild West" are in!!!!


The reviews for "Rapunzel in the Wild West" are in!!!!

Kurt Perry

"Kurt Perry gives a side-splitting performance as the ever-awkward Bart, the Queen’s much-underappreciated sidekick...when kids are literally standing on their seats to get a better view, you know your children’s show is a success. I liked ‘Rapunzel in the Wild West,’ and I know a ten-year-old me would have liked it even more."

-Sander Gusinow for Theatre Reviews Limited


"The most delicious and creative performance is from Kurt Perry, whose very original bits and reactions as a fumbling assistant to the bank robber is a constant delight. His eager-to-please, yet awkward, apologetic, smiling demeanor mixed with acquiescence is so hilarious and inventive that audiences would be more foolish than any of the characters to take their eyes off him."

-Rob Lester from Nite Life Exchange


"The actors give knock-out performances, and constantly interact with the young audience throughout the show. The book does not dumb down the dialogue as other children shows can. It is also a fantastic modern take on a classic story—not deviating so much from the original that it is unrecognizable, but different enough to resonate with a modern audience."

-Megan Wrappe from Theatre is Easy